Investment Philosophy

The Aspen Direct investment philosophy focuses on attractive fundamentals, reasonable valuations and by nature takes a cautious tone. We take opportunistic risk to participate in rising markets while reducing risk in times of uncertainty to protect the downside.

Asset allocation is determined through the use of both Tactical Allocation and Strategic Allocation methodologies. Tactical Asset Allocation allows for temporary under or over weighting of certain asset classes based on dynamic market conditions. It is successful when there are readily identifiable trends and opportunities in the market place.

Strategic Asset Allocation is a traditional approach to determining how best your money should be allocated among asset classes so that you achieve your long term goals. It starts with assessing your risk tolerance, objectives and time horizon.

Under this approach, we start with a long term strategic allocation as a baseline and then look at dynamic variables like valuations, technicals, fundamentals, trends and geo-politics to opportunistically modify the long term approach and take advantage of certain shorter term opportunities.

Whether your portfolio is large or small, you worked hard to create it and we take the responsibility of managing it very seriously.

Advisory services through Aspen Wealth Management, LLC, a state registered investment adviser.  For more information and important disclosures regarding Aspen Wealth Management, LLC, please review our Form ADV.


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