Investing should be simple. It should also be done at your comfort level, not that of your advisor. Aspen Direct simplifies investing for you while matching your investment temperament with one of several pre-designed and managed portfolios. Model Portfolios are managed automatically using low-cost electronically traded funds (ETFs).
The Aspen Direct investment philosophy focuses on attractive fundamentals, reasonable valuations and by nature takes a cautious tone. We take opportunistic risk to participate in rising markets while reducing risk in times of uncertainty to protect the downside.
Each of our portfolios are designed to accommodate a balance of risk and return based on your comfort level and personal goals. With Aspen Direct, you can add as many services à la carte as you wish and include them in a flat fee structure based on the needs you wish to address.
Advisory services through Aspen Wealth Management, LLC, a state registered investment adviser. For more information and important disclosures regarding Aspen Wealth Management, LLC, please review our Form ADV.